An Aussie Christmas
(sorry, i'm a few days late)
It started early the week before with that small group xmas party... o what fun it was! I got a cool set of watercolor pencils, magazines to collage with and also a little box full of things that Jules (my secret santa) had collected to collage stuff. It was great! A fantastic jolly night, had by all!
On Thursday night we had a Christmas concert for everyone on the base. Since we have so many musicians, it made sense for them to have the chance to show off their skills. Many did, and it was a fantastic night. We even got to hear good ol' Amy Grant's "Emmanuel." After that, the MAD dts had their xmas dance party... and we all got down on the dance floor!
The weekend was filled with many things... on friday night a bunch of people went into the city to watch Miracle on 34th Street, under the stars on South Bank, but Kayti and I decided to stay back and have a relaxing night. We had some quiet time, watched White Christmas and went to bed soon after it ended.
Saturday was our friend Ramesh's christmas party! It was a fun time... he got a hat and a mini broom/dust pan set and many many cards. We played pictionary and ate homemade guacamole with chips and also delicious sugar cookies! After the party, Kayti and I went to the city and just walked all around... had Starbucks... went to the markets... walked up and down the river taking pictures, etc. At 5ish we met the "old peoples alliance" for dinner and ate the best pizza at this italian restaurant along the river on South Bank. The "old peoples alliance" is a group of us that are either 1. married or 2. over the age of 24... because most of the others are all under the age of 20. There are 8 of us without the leaders, and then there are 11, i think. It's a good time to just chill. It's hard to describe, but it's just a different vibe when it's just us.
After dinner there was a fireworks display with music over the river, how cool... fireworks for Christmas! Then, we went on our way.
Sunday was a lazy day... I'm blanking on what I did that day..... Oh yeah... it was lazy, some time after lunch I went over to Cristina's house to eat freshly baked chocolate cookies (not as good as "The Cookie Nook" ie: Erin Bennett's)... and played games, etc. Good times. I forget what I did Sunday night :(. Probably watched a movie or something.
On the morning of Christmas Eve all the MAD students who didn't go somewhere for xmas had breakfast at Leah's house. Leah is "second-in-command" of our school, and also one of the artists. She baked cinnamon rolls for us, but not just ANY cinnamon rolls.. the recipe from Cinnabon! They were heavenly... even the frosting was like Cinnabon's kind... they looked a little different, but still tasted amazing. There was also some other confections there... and fruit and coffee... mmm... good stuff. We chatted for awhile and then a bunch of us played a game that was similar to Catch Phrase, and I my team won... it was lots of fun. The rest of the day was pretty lazy again... OH YEAH... earlier that day I went on SKYPE with my family and Mike and Lois... it was such a good time. My parents sent me my stocking, so I opened it that day so I'd have it Christmas morning. It had the usual things we always get in our stockings... toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, and candy... oh... and some Burt's Bees lip balm and lotion! Skype is such a great invention... you all really should get it... especially if you have a webcam, you can't go wrong... it's free for goodness sakes! :) So anyways... that evening I went to Christmas Eve Mass at St. Stephen's in Brisbane. It was a good experience, but I really appreciate what I have back home. Following the Mass we went to a restaurant for dessert and because I was dying of thirst and everyone's always up for dessert! When we got back from the city I'm pretty sure we watched a movie.
I woke up on Christmas morning around 9 and jumped on SKYPE again to talk to my family as it was Christmas Eve when all the fam gets together... you know ALL 10 of them (3 being kids). But, it was good... I hadn't SEEN my grma or aunt since I got here, so that was a treat and gift in itself! We chatted for awhile and then we had a gift exchange here, so I signed off for awhile. We opened gifts and had lots of fun... then watched Rattatoullie (sp?) that cgi animated movie about the rat who cooks :). I got back on with the fam for a little while and then said goodbye... it was a bit sad, but that's okay it's a given.
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful... until we had a nice dinner with white table cloths and delicious food. AFter dinner we had a time of Carols and read the Christmas story... it was good... and then we watched White Christmas on the BIG screen. yay... it was really great!
I'd like to go on... Buuuut, I must go... this has taken WAY too long and I'm sure you're bored reading it by now :).
Love you all... oh, and here is a word that Ken Helser, the guy who spoke on The Father Heart of God, it was pretty cool:
Lisa Lundquist
An artist after my heart? How about, God the artist, after your heart. Lisa, the word for your life is "NEW." I do make all things new. Put away the past, trust and reach for the future, but right now, get ME, and you will be made new. Out of the newness, creativity will be birthed and you will shout about it. "Your eyes have not seen, your ears not heard, what I have in store for you, but I will reveal it by my spirit."
I Corinthians 2:9 and 10
Fear of the Lord/Worship - Intercession and Spiritual Warfare
To sum up Fear of the Lord is hard, so I'll just tell you a bit of what we did. Our speaker, Nathan, is an "elder" on the base and in quotes because he is not old (26). It was really cool because as he spoke he really listened for what God's agenda was, and not his own. The opposite of the fear of the Lord, is the fear of man, which many of us including myself struggle with, especially in the context of my creativity. We talked about that and the need for repentance in those areas, to submit those things to the Lord so we can be free and fear only the Lord.
On Wednesday of last week we took the whole of lecture times and used it all for a time of true repentance, prayer, and worship to the Lord. It was a beautiful time... God was pursuing our hearts and minds. He always is, but it was our act of yielding to Him that made it so real.
I am going to end this short and hope to follow up with it later. But I am really excited about what God has been doing in me lately. Showing me holy and grace-filled obedience, a thirst for spending time in His presence like I've never had before. This week has been teaching on Spiritual Warfare... it is so good. Not like the hyped up looking for demons around every corner kind of teaching, it's real and practical. I am excited to share more of this later.
Christmas is soon around the corner and I have many mixed feelings. Plans are finally starting to come together and we've had a couple Christmas parties... and one is tonight that I have to go and help decorate the room for. I hope to post more pictures and reports of what I'll be doing on Christmas, but there are no guarantees (it's just so hard to get alone time still, with access to the internet at the same time).
Love to you all!!
More Photos!! Art studio!
This is the opposite side from where I took the first one.
To See more... and see some artwork, click here!
Early Merry Christmas!!
A day in the life...
Most mornings we have to be at lecture/worship/chapel time at 8:30am, the exception is Monday mornings when we have Basewide cleaning and we have to meet at 8am. I rarely get up in time to have the cereal they put out for "breakfast"... it's really not worth it, so sometimes I eat my own cereal with yogurt and other times I just wait for morning tea(i will elaborate on this in a minute). The actual time I wake up is about 30mins before class, whether or not I choose to shower that day. Although, I am often "awakened" by everyone else starting at 6am... I still cannot figure out who needs to be up at that hour, but to each his own! Those people would be the ones who are in bed before lights out which is 10:00.
Depending on the week and the lecturer we usually have some kind of worship time before our lectures start, but this is not always the case. I really enjoy the worship times here, they are so free and open to express in whatever way works for you. Sometimes the worship "leader" will just play guitar and "free-style" and everyone just breaks into their own song to the Lord, those times have become one of my favorite.
At mid morning, usually around 10:30am/11am, we have Morning Tea... this is an Aussie/New Zealand(i think NZ) custom to have tea and an assortment of sweet and savory pastries. It's pretty much the coolest thing, and I believe attributes to the rumor that the Australian YWAM bases make you gain weight. Another thing that attributes this is because there is always a supply of fresh bread out in the dining room AND peanut butter and jelly. So, if you are a picky eater, this is the base for you! :) I love Morning Tea...
After the break we go back into lectures for another hour and a half until lunch at 12:30... lunch is pretty self explanatory. This is where the day changes drastically depending on the day of the week.
On Mondays I have the rest of the afternoon free and then a bit after dinner, we have "MAD Mondays" at 7:30.. which is a time when a professional in the arts from the surrounding community or nation/world comes in to our class and speaks about what they do... in essesnce a time to cultivate dreams, etc...(implied that they are christians).
On Tuesday nights we've had lectures sometimes, but lately we just have a free night, woo hoo! On Wed. nights we have small groups at 7:30... I love this night because our sm. grp is the coolest, we always have some yum yums of some kind and just good conversation.
I forgot to tell about the afternoons on Tuesdays... so, after lunch I have some free time, but usually I head to the art studio early and work on the paintings I have started. It officially starts at 2:30 and ends around 5ish so we can get back for dinner at 5:30.
Also, on Wed. afternoons we have "sports" at 4:00... this consists of going to the park down the street, setting up nets for volleyball and cones for soccer and then playing. The idea was originally to get the community to join in our games, but there really isn't many people around to join, anyways.
On Thursday afternoons, I have my design work duty from 1:00 to 2:15, and then I head to the art studio with the other artists and work on paintings again. I really like tues./thurs. the best! Then, Thurs. evenings are totally free... I've gone to the local mall for coffee because it's the only night they are open past 5:30pm... ridiculous, right?! It's so annoying.
Friday afternoons are the longest because I have the work duty for 4.5hours... 1:00 to 5:30... I know it's needed for the type of work duty I have, but sometimes I just don't look forward to it at all. But, then when I get into it, it's really not that bad.
So, to end my "typical" day... I'm usually up until atleast 11pm, if not later. The "lights out" at 10pm just means that the dorm lights are off at that time... it's annoying sometimes, especially when I forget to clean off my bed while I've been in there with the lights on knowing I won't be back until after they're shut off.
Adjusting to this different and rigid schedule took some getting used to, since I've lived on my own and had a job that didn't require me to be in at a specific time. It's not so rigid, just a major adjustment... but all in all... it hasn't been as bad as I thought it could be.
The end....
Lecture week 7!
I also must mention that we celebrated as a DTS class on friday mid-morning since we don't have class on the weekends. It was nice, I requested an icecream cake, and it was sooo delicious, the whole class sang Happy Birthday and a couple leaders in particular belted it out at the top of their lungs. I haven't heard it sung to me like that since like middle school or something, it was pretty hilarious! :) So anyways, after cheesecake some of the girls stayed to clean his house and I sat and chatted with him because I wasn't allowed to help by his orders. When they were finished cleaning we left and went back to the base... I had some quiet time and then went on gmail and chatted with my mom and sister. It was good, but hard at the same time because I just want to see them... I want to see all of you that I miss... but I for sure don't want to leave, so the whole days was just mixed feelings. The original plan I had in my head was to go to the Australia Zoo, but there was a music festival in the park that a bunch of people went to (i went the night before... pretty cool) and then this Christmas Carols by Candlelight event that a bunch of other people had to participate in. It just didn't make sense to go, so I ended up going to the
There is a lot of growing and processing going on in me right now... lots of good stuff, so thank you all for your prayers... in any way you may be praying. I believe that God uses the prayers of His people and that they transcend time and space. Lord may you bless those who are blessing and have blessed me.
Book Meme
Okay... so this has NOTHING to do with australia, but i'm sure nobody checks my random thoughts blog, so i had to do this here.....
1. Hardcover or paperback, and why? i think paperback, but there are pluses and minuses to both
2. If I were to own a book shop I would call it…I don't know if I can beat Erin's Book Nook... especially with the Cookie Nook right next to it... but I decided if I ever own a coffee shop I'd call it Lucy and Dorothy's! too wonderful grandma's
3. My favourite quote from a book (mention the title) is…There are so many good books, with good quotes... I'm going to go with the Bible on this one... James 1:12 from The Message:
12Anyone who meets a testing challenge head-on and manages to stick it out is mighty fortunate. For such persons loyally in love with God, the reward is life and more life.
4. The author (alive or dead) I would love to have lunch with would be …. Bruce Olson
5. If I was going to a deserted island and could only bring one book, except for the SAS survival guide, it would be… Hmm... I am hiding God's word in my heart, so I wouldn't have to bring the Bible, haha... so I'd say Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
6. I would love someone to invent a bookish gadget that….Something that holds them open on a table. I didn't think it was a necessary gadget until I tried to type the quote above. :) (ditto, Erin!)
7. The smell of an old book reminds me of….Yeah, for sure Erin... elementary school
8. If I could be the lead character in a book (mention the title), it would be….Elizabeth Bennett in Pride and Prejudice
9. The most overestimated book of all times is…. hmmm... dunno
Tag to whomever sees this next!
Schoolies Outreach
Last week was exhausting, good, but exhausting. Schoolies are all of the highschool graduates who head out to some great beach destination and party without any rules. It’s like “Spring Break” for the US, but its at the end of their school year.
We set up at a park to make pancakes and chai tea for those who were in the area. There were actually a lot of backpackers that came to our spot, which mixed it up a bit. The first night I spoke with a man from somewhere in northern Queensland who decided to come down to the beach for the day. He was slightly inebriated, but I could see as we chatted that he was on a journey to find something more. There have been different people in his life who had preached at him and God was portrayed poorly, but also he had some good experiences as well. I feel like I could have spoken more intentionally with him, but I just wasn’t hearing what God wanted me to say. I told him about how I always had wanted to come to Australia and that it was so cool that God would combine my passion for art and missions and bring me here.
When he found out I was from Minnesota he went on and on about how we’re so nice and that you can tell when someone is from there and that its really genuine and down to earth. I laughed inside though, because I know of plenty wild and crazy Minnesotans! Apparently he has traveled on the west coast and some on the east coast of the states, so he had a bit of knowledge about the many faces of Americans.
I think it was a good beginning... I realized over this past week that really, this was the first time I’ve ever been in a situation of intentional “evangelism.” Missions the way I’ve been taught has focused on relationships and building and supporting churches in under-developed places. I believe that there is a place for what we did this last week. There were many of us who made connections and relationships with these young kids and backpackers and there were probably a dozen who were lead to the Lord... genuinely, you know? It was good for me to see a side of evangelism that wasn’t the “TURN or BURN” mentality, yet was intentional about speaking truth.
So, here’s the deal. I just went to read the portion of Velvet Elvis about agendas, because it kept swirling around in my head.... what does it mean to have an agenda, what did he mean again? Well, I’m not going to tell you everything I read or quote from the book or anything. I’m just going to tell you what I think God might be telling me or what I think I am learning... it’s this: I am a work in progress and I will never “arrive”... I tend to put pressure on myself because I didn’t “do” enough or say the right thing.... and the point is that I just have to be me. And if I forget about trying to do or say the right thing and just be me, I forget the "agenda" and let God do what He wants in the situation.
This aspect of never arriving and needing to just be "me" applies to every part of my life. I think somewhere along the line, I thought I had overcome (arrived, finished) this battle of insecurity and comparing, etc. I have definitely grown a ton, but being thrown into a new situation with NO familiarity has definitely brought up old feelings of “fitting in” and all that crap. I can’t depend on my surroundings, friends, family, to be confident in who I am, I need to be confident in who I am in Christ and who He made me to be. I guess that's one big thing I'm learning... who I am, apart from being an artist, aunt, sister, daughter, niece, grand-daughter...etc. etc. I am a child of God and my desire is to know Him more and more, and to make Him known in the way that comes most naturally to me.
more photo links :)
So, I discovered you can't get to all of my photo albums by just that one link, so here are some more links to more photos.... cuz I know you want to see my lovely face, right :)... haha..
Here are a couple just for fun on here.... but here are the links to the other photo albums:
Byron Bay 2
Roma and Chinchilla
I'm Baaack, in Brissy! (brisbane)
Here is a link to my facebook photos... I can't make up my mind where to store them, but I finally got it all working, and they upload straight from my iPhoto program... woo hoo!!
Click HERE to link to the photobook... there are a bunch! :)
(P.S. just to let you know if you are a bit un-saavy in computers... if you click on an individual picture, it will bring it up larger in a new window and you can click through them as large pics)
Lecture Week 4 and 5
This week we've had a speaker named Danny Lehmann here teaching us about Evangelism. As I looked over my handbook in the beginning of the DTS, this was the one lecture week that I really questioned... or had very judgemental thoughts about. I've been challenged.... Last night we watched a Nooma video (Rob Bell's teaching series) called Bullhorn. I'm awful at summaries, but basically Rob is attacking the man who stands on the corner of the streets screaming "REPENT, TURN, OR BURN...helll fire and brimstone".... I agree with Rob that it actually probably does more harm than any good. We also watched a video from a guy who responded to Rob's that spoke about how you can't just love love love because you've not told them the gospel. Actually, I did a horrible job explaining the last video. I lost all respect for that one because he started out ripping on Rob, instead of just getting his own point across. So, all of that to say, the speaker talked a lot about all different ways to evangelize. My summary of the week was that there were some good things I got out of it, but it was a good week to continue my own processing of last week. Does that make any sense?
It's like this, I didn't feel the need to fully engage and listen to every single word he was saying, I could let in what I wanted and knew was good for me to hear and let everything else filter out and process my stuff. Yeah... Evangelism is a tough subject to speak on and I reckon that the folks who speak on it are the confrontational ones (which is a style of evangelism) because they are the most outwardly passionate about their style. So, though he tried to be balanced on all the different ways, he definitely favored his own style.
The end.
I hope to post again tomorrow before I leave for Schoolies to Byron Bay... Schoolies is like the American's Spring Break time. We'll be doing our music arts and dance stuff on the beach! I'm so excited!
roma/chinchilla pics
Ready.... I was stunned...........
The Czech Republic!!
Seriously. Wow... so all of you who were jealous I was missing winter... be jealous no longer, because it will be in February which is a bitter cold month there... or so someone here has been told! DANG... I guess God just doesn't want me to miss winter... or deep down somewhere inside me, he knew I'd miss it>?!? hmmm... jk..... That's the only reason I may be slightly disapointed... other than that... yeah baby! I'm so excited, I'll get to check off another continent I've been to! Because that's what this is all about, right? What I wanted. haha...
Now, in all seriousness, I am really excited about it... we're actually pioneering this journey, ie: a YWAM team from our base has never been there before. There is so much art and culture there and we'll be with musicians. The musician team we're going with is an instrumental one and they are very talented, I'm so excited to go into coffee shops and paint alongside as they do their thing. (sorry, that was a long paragraph!)
Roma/Sun. Oct 28 - Chinchilla/Fri. Nov 2-4
We left on Sunday morning at about 9pm and headed on our 6 hour drive to Roma. There are a LOT of MAD students, so we took a “bus” (it’s called a Coaster, it’s not a typical school bus, it only has one row of two seater seats and then a long bench on the other side of the span of the bus) and two vans, a 7 seater and a 12 seater. I was in the 12 seater, which I think I prefer, although I do like the seats behind the driver of the bus as they are higher than all the other seats. As if you care :).
I fell asleep on the bus ride there with the cool wind blowing about and was rudely awakened by the hot air hitting me in the face, along with my strands of hair that came out from being tucked behind my ears. To skip forward a bit, to say the least, it was much warmer in Roma and drier. I’ve never seen so many burrs or stickers in my life, well, they’re hard to see on the ground, but they stick to shoes and everything. The girls stayed in an Anglican Church hall on the floor, so glad I bought an air mat before we left. We didn’t have anything planned that night, so we ate dinner hung out and went to bed. (the boys stayed with the Chaplain of the schools)
The next day we had lectures and in the afternoon I volunteered to help clean the house of a man whose name is Terry, and has Cerable Paulsy. He lives in a sort of assisted living type situation and has supported YWAMers for many years. It was a sweet time just doing a few normal cleaning things, and then really spending time chatting and encouraging each other. There were three others who volunteered with me.
As we sat there talking, I asked him what his favorite story or book of the bible was and he began to speak about the “Come Follow Me” passage in the fourth chapter of Matthew. How the disciples dropped there nets at once and followed Jesus, and that it was so out of character for a Rabbi to do such a thing. This conversation was not new to me, the subject atleast, but to hear it from a man who so many would write off as crippled or disabled was so beautiful to me. I think he had a joy that was unexplainble, yet I could see the pain he has gone through. To put myself in his place would be impossible, yet I know I have been in the depths of pain and was able to cry out to God for joy in those times... to get it from Him and to give it as well.
I thought of my mom often during those few hours at Terry’s, how she used to clean elderly peoples homes and build relationships with those sweet men and women (and some that were often not sweet). I think it takes a certain type of person to have the patience to listen and talk with them. I’m not sure I am naturally that person, but I want to be like that, like my mom. (love you :))
The rest of the week was lectures and free time because I hadn’t received my blue card yet. You have to have a blue card to go into schools to work with kids, and those who had their cards went in during the kids’ RE classes (religious education) and did skits. I was SO dissapointed that I didn’t get to show off my AWESOME acting skills, so my friend Laura was excited to do it for me! (caps and italicization show oozing sarcasm) It’s not that I didn’t want to go into the schools though, because I generally like to spend time with kids, etc. Instead, we walked downtown Roma one day and the next couple of days we went swimming at the local pool. WOW! Finally after three weeks I am actually getting use out of my swim suit! :)
This weeks lectures were on Relationships.... I was not too excited about it because I’ve heard about 15+ speeches on the subject and a handful of those were really incredible, what new things could there really be? I appreciated the beginning because it wasn’t specifically talking about just relationships between men and women. By mid-week we moved into the sex talks and then on into pornography and other such things. Our school leader, Gunnliek was speaking all week, and did a great job with questions and being honest and open about stuff. Friday was the coolest ministry time, as Gunni spoke about the need for forgiveness of sins and hurts that have come against you and opened up a time of spoken repentence, etc. It was a time of much healing for everyone, even if they didn’t go up to speak. I do believe it is very powerful to do such a thing, though. During that time a million things raced through my mind that I could say, but one thing that came up was something I didn’t realize still had so much power over me. It was the bitterness I’ve had toward God about my singleness, which I thought I had reconciled but truly realized it needed to be spoken out and let go once and for all. I don’t think it means I’m all happy and joyful about not being married or whatever. It was just the freedom in knowing that God still wants to do so much more in me before that time comes.
That afternoon the team of us going to Chinchilla left at about 2pm for the two hour ride. There were 19 of us, if I remember right :). Here are those that went: artists: Me, Laura, Leah -school leader, Hannah J., Marieka, (yay for all the artists)... MUSO’s (music) guy Kelly (leader), Mic, Stefano, Caleb, Jeremy, Karla (also a dancer), Henna, Heikki, Paulina, Tammy, Eryn, Amber (leader), Mary Kate (leader), and one Dancer- Roseleen.
It was really cool to finally have a smaller team together, and that’s even funny to say since twenty is kind of a large number too. In Chinchilla we served dinner and provided entertainment for a group of youth from the churches in the community. I think it’s a great idea they have there, instead of each church having a youth group, they combine them all into one across denominational lines. They were having a “prom/formal” of sorts and they were speaking on relationships, that part was hilarious for a myriad of reasons that I just won’t go into because it would take too long. (and this is already long!) At the end they cleared the tables and had a dance, and encouraged the students to ask the YWAMers to dance... I got out of the first and second one because I was waiting for the toilet and didn’t get back in time for the second, but then got suckered into the third one. I don’t like dances with specific steps, or when the guy doesn’t lead well, but that’s okay. At the end they turned on Relient K’s anatomy of tounge and cheek, so a bunch of us moshed and skanked it up, that was fun! Yeah, I know all you former youth who are reading this are laughing at me... but that’s okay, that’s why I love you, cuz you love me even The rest of the weekend was really relaxing... I taught Laura and Leah CINQ-O on saturday afternoon... only the youth will appreciate what I’m talking about... it’s a game we played in Belize all the time and most of us got sick of it by the next year. I still suck at explaining it, but it worked out still. I think I still have yet to win that game, Leah ended up blowing Laura and I out of the water. Maybe it’s something about that name, LEAH! I wonder how many of you have lasted through this LONG post... sorry...
I think I’ll end it at there... except to say that we had a night of worship on saturday night that prepared me for this week to come. My heart is full and heavy, knowing that God has a lot to show me and though I so much want it, I’m really scared to let it all out in front of these people I have only known for 4weeks. So, pray that God would place people in front of me at the right time and that I’d be open and able to articulate everything I’m feeling because right now it feels like a big twisted knot in my mind.
Love and Miss you all like crazy!!
Lecture Week 2
This week we’ve been hearing from a man named Patrick Dodson. He has been challenging my way of thinking about art and how God sees me as an artist and how to create my art. It has been freeing, yet sometimes frustrating.... freeing in the sense that I don’t create things for other people and don’t need the approval of others for my art to be “good.” Even in writing that last part, it doesn’t truly express what I mean, it’s just so much good information and stuff to process.
One thing he said that was incredibly freeing, yet extremely frustrating is that the first ten years of your craft will be crap. Bold, right? Hard to take in? But, at the same time, knowing that this whole thing is a process, and maybe it’s not completely crap it’s all that stuff that comes out in the process. It’s overwhelming at times because the way he speaks makes it feel that I missed the boat back in my early years... 18/19... to be thinking in this different mind-set.
The different mindset is this... it’s called “centrifugal art: moving from the inside out as opposed to “centripetal” art: working from the outside in. Centripetal art is rampant in america.. looking to the industry for the next biggest thing and trying to cater to the world around you. Instead of looking at it from the inside out... one thing I wrote down that he said was.. “channel what Christ has for us to create through annointing”... to me this means putting more meaning behind what you’re creating, instead of just drawing this shape here and that line there because it is conceptualing pleasing. In my first efforts of painting I think I was creating from within, but didn’t necessarily put any meaning to it... I had a HUGE canvas to use, so I painted whatever I wanted that was pleasing to the eye. But actually, in that process I continually asked myself if it was done when I got to the end. I’m not saying the whole thing was crap or that it means nothing, but it was a step. I wonder how much more feeling or life it could have had if I put more meaning into the piece.
Switching gears again, this has really made me think hard about my previous profession as a graphic designer. He (patrick) hasn’t yet talked specifically about that world, but talked a lot about the pressures and how that tends to control and manipulate how you create. Although I have loved designing at it’s core, there is always a part of it that messes with your creativity because what you are creating is not your own. I don’t know if it is different in areas outside of the music industry, but I find it especially hard because you are creating a representation of another artists’ creation. Just stop for a moment and think about that, talk about pressure. Whether or not the pressure is internal or external, it’s a huge stumbling block for creativity. As I write this I think of these things... does that mean I haven’t mastered the art of letting go of the pressure and letting go of what they think? I don’t know, because I know there is that whole “don’t take criticism personally” which I was taught from the very beginning, but after creating 5 different designs for someone only to have them go with another designer who just “tried” something on the side... it’s hard to not take personal and just brush off. Even if that person has asked for forgiveness and blah blah and three bags full. [of course i’m not talking about a personal experience or anything... ;| ;|] It just plain messes with you. So, it’s only two weeks in and I am starting to ask myself.... “do I want to continue down the road of graphic design... or do I want to explore the other gifts He has given me in the fine arts... and what does that look like practically?
I may diverg more of this on the blog in the next couple days or even weeks. (is diverg a word, and did i even use it in the right context?? :)) This is definitely and area that God is working on in me... along with other stuff as well.
What I’ve really enjoyed about Patrick as well, is that he is an advocate for healing being a process. You can be “healed” from something, but it doesn’t mean it’s a magic wand and you don’t have anything else to worry about. This seems like a totally different topic, eh? But, he also encourages and says that bringing your healing and the things you are going through into your art is really important and is what gives life and passion to your work. That is something I agree with whole-heartedly, if there is no emotion or feeling in a painting/picture/song then there is no connection point. If your life was perfect without pain, there would be no experience to draw upon (literally and figuratively).
He's got a website, I would encourage any artist/musician/creative to look him up, you may get totally inspired! :) www.patrickdodson.net
ALSO>>> Don't Send salad dressing to Australia... they will quarantine it!!!! Lame, right?! >>>>>
pictures of trip to brisbane
Delight Yourself in the Lord...
Indeed, it actually ends with "and He will give you the desires of your heart." And this verse from the psalms has been referenced a couple times since I've been here, how cool since I picked it for the heading on the graphic I made for this.
If you haven't realized it yet.... Today after a nap to rid my headache, the photographer, Kelsey came to my bunk and asked if I'd want to switch work duties. She realized she just wasn't going to have fun doing it. YES! And, now, she will have fun doing Kitchen duty :). yay! We're trading all over too, because I bought yogurt the other day that I didn't realize was Low Fat which I hate and she likes it, so she's buying it from me! Sweeeet!
The moment after I gave her my reply I thought, "hmm... this is what I want, right? psh, of course.." It won't be that much... only thursday from 1-2:30 and friday from 1-5:30... sounds kind of long on friday, but really, to get anything done you need a good chunk of time. So... THANK YOU JESUS!
free bird
Today for lunch I ate an odd combination, half way through I wished I could just put it all back and just make a PB&J, they always have bread out to eat and peanut butter, jelly, and Vegemite. They had tortillas, random veggies, ham, salami, and cheese, but I got there a bit late and the scraps of lettuce were only left and about the same for everything else. It ended up being a salami, scraps of lettuce, cheese, and sour cream wrap. It wasn't the worst thing, but it was nothing incredibly satisfying either. The food hasn't been all bad, and not that different either, except in anything they make with ground beef, they always add oats... since when do hamburgers call for oatmeal? Wierd. Not super tasty, but not the worst I've had either. I don't think we've eaten anything that's "australian" per se, but as I've said, lots of salad... every fricken day... salad. salad. salad. If there were croutons or sunflower seeds I'd think that might make it better as well. might.
Okay... so I'd like to address the "work duty" situation as know many of you were up in arms for me... for that I thank you for caring! This is the status.... so on Tuesday the "artists" got to meet and go to the art studio and get to know each other better. It was super cool time. As I shared about what I did before I started teh DTS, one of the staff on art asked if I'd want to help out with the "MAD" ministries logo. Some of the others also said they'd love to get to know photoshop better, etc. SO..... after lamenting the work duty... and realizing I won't be completely left out of using my graphic abilities as well as fine art, I was verry much satisfied. And in all honesty, this was supposed to be a time for a bit of a break from the computer side of art... maybe I hadn't expressed it as much to people, but that's where I was at... and now this is where I am! O, how profound. :D
There are some super cool staff that are behind the scenes who will be working with us during the art studio sessions. I am so excited for it to full out start, we just began stretching canvas yesterday so soon I'll be able to start painting... woo hoo!
I think that's where I'll stop for now... OH... and I was also going to say... I'm atleast 1.5hours from the beach... darn, but might be going to the beach this weekend!
My mom wanted to know that :).... if you have any other questions that you're dying ot know that I haven't explained or said anything about... please ask! :)
love to all!
Dinner Crew???
Two days ago we had to write down on a slip of paper what work duties we preferred, a first choice and second choice. They listed them all on a white board and described a little about each. One of the choices was Web Design/Graphics, and when describing mostly said it would be video and photo editing and re-touching and then sometimes some print materials or the base. Perfect! There are no other graphic designers, only an interior designer and a photographer (who self-proclaimed has a lot to learn about photoshop). Later that day before a group time we were given a slip of paper saying the duty we were on and before they were given out apologies were made to those who didn't get their first choice. I was so confident that I would get my first choice, there was even a space to say why you would be a good candidate and I put down my credentials accordingly, but to my surprise I read on the slip Dinner Kitchen Duty. ----blank stare---- "You're kidding me, really? WHO else would get the graphics work duty.. did someone hear me say that the graphics work duty wasn't even work?" I didn't say that out loud, but I was really upset... I couldn't understand why I wouldn't be atleast ONE of the TWO picked. Instead the photographer and the Interior Designer were picked.
Okay God... what are you doing here??? I shouldn't be upset, should I? I mean honestly I was looking for a break from the computer in the beginning, but when it came down to actually having the opportunity again, I was excited. Excited to do something a little different than what I usually do at work. So, as you can see, it is still fresh, especially since I just finished getting the "orientation" for Dinner Work Duty.
The reason why it is so hard to take is because I feel like I'm the one that is most experienced, and that they must think I don't know much. The truth is that they don't know and it really is nothing personal, it was their ignorance. But it just feels like this low blow, and I don't know even how to ask the other to girls who got the duty if there would ever be an opportunity to get in on something. (since there work time would be different than mine anyways) It's still so raw for me, I don't want anything to come out sarcastically, it's not there fault I wasn't picked... well... for the most part.
Enough of my complaining... sorry.. I don't mean to have a "throw-up" blog. :)
Other good things.....
I was having quiet time yesterday and along with confessing my sadness about the above topic, I also just realized I hadn't had many deep conversations or even been truly embraced by anyone yet. As I wrote to a couple people, it sounds really wierd or goofy to write about, but seriously it's a big deal. One of my old youth leaders used to say that you need 8 hugs a day to survive... well, as much as that would be great I'm usually okay with one a day or so... BUT, when you don't have any in a whole week you notice it. I was praying that God would break whatever barrier was up inside everyone.
So here comes the cool part.... later in the day I was helping a girl named Hannah take some "rubish" to the big bins out back. On the way back we stopped by this picinic table and began to chat. We started talking about the church in general and how for so many it's the same format all of the time: worship, announcements, offering, message... or some sort of combination. Also, that often is the case that you are looked down upon if there are stretches in life when getting to "church" hasn't been a priority... but what isn't noticed is that there may be fellowship or "church" going on in another way in your life. The conversation ebbed and flowed from different topics like that and eventually we started talking about meeting people in new situations, etc. and how natural it is to judge people on their outward actions or appearance. Hannah is appearingly and inwardly a "free-spirit"... I love it, she reminds me a bit of a girl named Karina who just graduated in the youth group. I told her about my weird hug topic and she said, "Okay, then I'll jump up on your bed every morning and give you a hug. That's not necessarily what I meant, but I assure you, she did that this morning and it made me laugh. It was a little earlier than I would have liked. :) But when are you going to complain about a hug, right? :D
I'll talk more about the church I attended sunday night in the next couple of days. I am trying to figure out a balance in writing in the blog and spending time with God and all that. I think that I may try to only use the internet two days a week or so.
After 24hrs. or more of traveling, I was pretty much exhausted and just wanted to get out of the airport!! This is in Brisbane waiting for my ride.
I have my luggage!!
it feels really good to be in my clean clothes, to be wearing something other than "Chacos" on my feet (sandals). i love my flip flops!
i found one thing that i miss... it's kinda funny, but it's Kraft Ranch Dressing... or any good Ranch dressing from the US. Here it has a sort of "sweet" taste to it and it seems we've been eating salad at EVERY meal.. which I like, accept the only dressing that is decent is Ceasar and even that has a little different taste.
Keep Left.
Greetings from Brisbane, Australia!! Today has been a mellow day with not much going on. The next thing I have to be at is a "welcome dinner" for the new DTS students. I've met quite a few gals and found out there are only about 3 guys that I know of on our MAD DTS. Why do girls ALWAYS out number guys? So, there are 3 people here from MN.. represent baby! (did that sound totally cheesy or what?) One of the guys is from IA, but lived in MN until he was about 10 years old.
In the afternoon we went into Brisbane City to the mall, the same kind of thing like Nicolette(sp?) Mall in Mpls. As we walked to the bus down a few blocks that took us to the city, I continually had to remind myself to look right instead of left. Also, it didn't dawn on me right away until walking around in the malls that they walk on the left side of the sidewalks as well.
I really feel like I am in a family here. Once I woke up the first morning, it just felt right. Even though I barely knew anyone, I just felt at home. And oddly, I haven't felt really jet-lagged. OH.. and I had been telling everyone that it's a 14 hour difference, but it's actually a 15hour difference. Brisbane doesn't observe Daylight Savings either, just so you know. I guess it's because there is a HUGE farming community and way back in the day they thought that changing the time would confuse the cows and then they wouldn't produce milk.
During dinner there was a presentation of all the staff at the base and we also had to introduce ourselves and say what school we were doing and our favorite dinner. Lasagne had been taken about three times already, so I decided to say steak, and that got a good response! :)
After dinner we had a time of worship. It was wonderful, so beautiful and freeing to finally just worship and thank God through song for my travels and safety. I continued to pray for my luggage to come as well, and to continue to be at peace with what I could not control.
it was a good day all in all.
(p.s. its actually thursday as I write the end of this and I've got my luggage!!! hurray!)
HEY, has anyone figured out iPhoto 08?? I've been trying to upload photos from there, but somehow when I import them it doesn't put them into a separate folder to find when uploading. I'm not very happy about this!! It's this long process to get them to save into a folder... so bear with me and I'll post some pics of my living quarters, etc. as soon as possible.
goodbyes... travel days... hating LAX... and more travel stories
Here I am at the Nadi, Fiji Airport. I honestly don't know what they call it officially, but I don't think you all care too much.
Last night was pretty much awful(technically, the time zone I'm in now, it wasn't last night)... well it was going well until I had to say Goodbye to my mom, sister, bro-in law, and nieces and nephew. That was hard, and as in an email I wrote to my dad while waiting to board my plane, I wasn't really excited... I was sad and came to the realization of it all. I knew it all along, but it was finally officially real and I kept wondering, what am I doing??... I actually started doubting saturday night. I honestly think it was an attack... whether it was my own emotions just culminating and not letting me sleep OR the devil trying to get down on me... it was real and I had a hard time sleeping at first.
After saying the hard goodbyes, I went through security and got to my gate... found out I could log on to the internet for only eight bucks for twenty four hours, so I figured then I could use it in LA too... perfect! As I waited I browsed the internet and sent a couple emails.
I forget if I called my mom first, or they called me. I think it was that I called them because I realized I was facing Post Road, where they were up on a hill behind watching planes. As I was on the phone with them, Ang beeped through and it was close to boarding time so I said goodbye again. :) When I switched over to talk to Ang quick an announcement was made that there'd be a half hour delay, we finished chatting and said goodbye as well, she had good words for me.
I then sent a text msg. to Pat (bro in law) to go down to the actual post road parking lot because I could see it and thought maybe I'd see them under the lamp post. They did and called, but all I could see was Pat shining the lights from the van. That was enough though... it was fun, I guess they were waving and dancing around or something, wish I could've seen 'em. haha owell.... We eventually boarded, I called them one more time, (i know... sappy? naw, it's just that leaving for 7mos. is a LONG time for someone who hasn't left for more than 2weeks!) and saw the glow of the van lights through the fence and said goodbye.
The girl I sat next to on the plane was really sweet... I was having a hard time still, and when we hit some turbulence and saw lighting, I freaked out a bit. She was really understanding and we chatted for a little while. She grew up in Andover and went to Anoka HS, but graduated four years later. She told me this story that last time she flew there was a HUGE lightning storm, and it was so bad she couldn't even cry... it was just so intense.(you may be wondering why I am writing out numbers, well, I'm not looking at the keyboard at all cuz it gives me a headache when I do and I don't kow the numeber keys very well :)).
I guess I have the punctioations down though. I think I'll be editing this anyways :). ...
Here begins the REAL DRAMA.....
So... Once I got into LAX I went to the New Zealand Air desk and the guy told me I was actually flying on their coooperative airline Air Pacific and I had to a ten minute walk over to Tom Bradley Terminal... quickly. So I did. When I entered the terminal it was mass chaos. I have never been in a more awful airport, even Port au Prince was better than this!! It was nine thirty at night and there were atleast a couple thousand people roaming around and in lines that made no sense to me. I stood in a line for ten minutes that wasn't even where I needed to be, I got to this one point and the security guy said, oh, you need to be way down there at the end. (which where there was NO line!!) I got there and they asked "what's your reason for being late... I was so irritated (as if I could do anything about it), I told them because they're fricken airport is so confusing and my flight from mpls was delayed just slightly. They informed me that my bags might not get to my destination in time and did I want to fly knowing they may not be there... I was like FINE, but I need to be to my destiantion on time, so let's go here. Well, I didn't say all those words exactly, but made it clear that I was not happy... although I don't know how you couldn't know since my cheeks were tear stanined from all of the emotion and chaos and udder lonlieness I felt. I tried to find solice in the phone calls made to my dad and vice versa, but the airport was so friggen loud I could barely hear him(or myself for that matter). Even thinking about the scenario just makes me overwhelmed again.
Going through the security line felt like an eternity, I was so afraid I wouldn't make my flight, apparently I was supposed to be looking for a Air Pacific person with a sign go by to get me closer to the front, but I sure didn't see one pass. I'm glad my cell plan was good until the 9th, because even though there was nobody in flesh, I knew there was my dad at my fingertips to give whatever support he could. I just wrote in the previous paragraph about feeling so alone, but as I look back even though I did feel alone it was so important to have my dad. (fyi: my dad was on business [i think in providence] and my mom was at home... but she would have freaked worse if she heard the worry in my voice... so THANKS DAD! I'm pretty sure it was like 2AM his time)
I finally made it through security and thank God the gate was close. I got there while they were still boarding, made a call to my dad and to my mom and sighed/cried in relief.
I need to board my flight to New Zealand now... more later.
ok... in New Zealand now. Just finished edits to the earlier portion of the post. This one is long... and may be one of the longest that I'll be posting.
(I am sitting here at the base in Mitchelton, Australia.)
I better talk about my Fiji experience now.
I got to Fiji at 5am, so it was still dark out as I walked out of the plane to the terminal. We didn't walk on the tarmack, but they had a walkway outside before reaching the terminal. We were greeted with Fijians playing guitars and yukelielies (sp???), it was pretty humurous. I stood in a line for about 45mins only to be told to sit down and wait because since my flight wasn't leaving for 5 hours it wasn't in the system yet. So, I was in this "interim" place for about 2hours before I could go into the main terminal and eat and relax.... all the while hearing the same songs of the men playing every time a new flight came in. (so, it wasn't as humurous the 5th time)
I finally got through to the main terminal at 7:20am, and proceeded to walk around and look at all the "touristy" shops. (as I am sitting here, I am listening to a girl who is playing her harp and another girl playing the guitar) I realized that I needed some sustinance because the airplane food just wasn't cutting it. I bought a croissant and an iced coffee... the iced coffee was a mistake because I was already a little dehydrated and promptly got a headache and felt a little "dizzy/lightheaded."
I am going to skip most of the time in Fiji because it really wasn't that eventful, just a lot of waiting around, walking around (with my laptop bag that got SO heavy) trying to decide what Fijian trinket I should get... I decided to add to my extensive key-chain collection. I couldn't bring myself to buy any of their carved bowls etc because it's just wierd to buy it at the airport without a good story of where or who it was made by.
From Fiji it was to New Zealand and I sat by some nice folks. I was supposed to have a window seat, but the girl who was in my seat had been bit by a misquito during her stay in Fiji and her arm had been super puffed up and was sore. She didn't want it to get bumped, so I, being the kind person I am, let her sit in my seat. (sorry about the bad punctuation there) I was a bit bummed because I never did get to see the beautfiul waters of Fiji... Owell. They were from New Zealand and were headed home, and told me all about the things to see if I make it to NZ at the end of my DTS. There was a movie playing on that ride so I got to see "No Reservations" (again, but willingly!).
The New Zealand airport is probably my favorite so far, very open and simple. Although my flight was delayed about a half hour, so getting into Brisbane I was late and it was rainy and very turbulent. By that time, I was so sick of flying I just wanted to be done, it was bothersome turbulence, but I was so used to it at that point and continued to pray that His angels would surround the plane as with every other time.
I got through customs with no problems, they didn't even ask for the paperwork that I broght with for the VISA. Smooth sailing... until baggage claim. DOH! It took forever for the bags to get there, and then I waited for about another half hour to find out my bags had been stuck somewhere and didn't get on that flight. GRRR... okay okay.... go with the flow... it's not the end of the world. BUT, after having been traveling for 24hours PLUS, I was tired and just wanted to take a shower and go to sleep. It took awhile trying to find the YWAM people as well. Especially since my flight was delayed and then the whole process with the luggage. I think I was at the Brisbane airport for 2hours. Got to the Base at about 9pm... actually we picked up another girl that had been flying domestic because she came early to travel in New Zealand and then Sydney. It happened to be the other girl I knew who's 25... we connected over email personally and had the same thought about being the "olders" of the group. So, we instantly connected on the ride to the base. It was great. yay... so now I AM excited and even over these last couple hours have had an extreme peace about my bags getting here and just going with the flow. Knowing that this is not ABnormal, especially for missionaries who travel all over. You just have to adapt to the different situations that come up.
I think I'm going to end this post and hopefully in the next day or two will be able to post it!
3 days... woah
crazy. that's what i've heard from my mouth a lot lately.
my going away party was very cool. if you weren't invited and felt like you should have been, deal with it. HA... or atleast don't take it personall, life has been just slightly busy lately.
as i reflect on the prayer/commissioning time, i realize how powerful our God is and how He speaks to others without me having to say specific things. there is so much to think about, it was hard to know the exact things i need prayer for, but the things i needed were covered. i've also had a few other times of prayer with friends who weren't able to make it, and listening to the words are so amazing. everyone has their own way of articulating, and i know it doesn't matter so much how you say it, but when i hear it, it really makes sense. it has been a great comfort hearing the words and just being with others who you know are on the same wave-length as you, enough to know that sometimes words aren't even needed.
thank you all.
thank you for the words you speak to me and my prayerful supporters! you are amazing!
Isaiah 61:1-4
1 The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me,
because the LORD has anointed me
to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim freedom for the captives
and release from darkness for the prisoners, [a]
2 to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor
and the day of vengeance of our God,
to comfort all who mourn,
3 and provide for those who grieve in Zion—
to bestow on them a crown of beauty
instead of ashes,
the oil of gladness
instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise
instead of a spirit of despair.
They will be called oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the LORD
for the display of his splendor.
4 They will rebuild the ancient ruins
and restore the places long devastated;
they will renew the ruined cities
that have been devastated for generations.
take my life
This past weekend we sang a song that really resonated with me (or maybe it was the weekend before, i don't remember).... "Take My Life And Let it Be".. this is my prayer... and also the old song by Amy Grant "Thy Word". I've posted the lyrics below to a "modernized" version of Take My Life... My favorite parts are the chorus... "Here am I, all of me. Take my life, it's all for thee." At church we sing the original version, and then sing this chorus... I really love the original too, but this rendition is cool as well. If you're curious how it sounds, look it up under Chris Tomlin in iTunes or Amazon.
Tonight, "Thy Word" popped into my head. I think it has to do with this feeling I've been having lately about the unknown. So, the chorus says "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." the last part is what struck me. He is my light.. His word is my light in the unknown territory I am journeying into. "Nothing will I fear, as long as you are there, please be near me to the end." (going off of memory here)... Funny how this old nostalgic song gave me the comfort and affirmation I needed for the unknown. I know it's not necessarily an easy fix, but a good reminder and something to hang onto.
Take my moments and my days, let them flow in ceaseless praise.
Take my hands and let them move at the impulse of thy love.
Take my feet and let them be swift and beautiful for thee.
Take my voice and let me sing always, only for my king.
Take my lips and let them be filled with messages from thee.
Take my silver and my gold not a mite would I withhold.
Take my intellect and use every power as you choose.
Here am I, all of me.
Take my life, it's all for thee.
Take my will and make it Thine it shall be no longer mine.
Take my heart it is thine own; it shall be thy royal throne.
Take my love, my Lord I pour at your feet its treasure store
Take myself and I will be ever, only all for thee,
Take myself and I will be ever, only all for thee.
Here am I, All of me.
Take my life, It's all for thee.
Take my life, Lord take my life. take all of me
Here am I, All of me.
Take my life, It's all for thee.