Welcome Friends and Family

Here starts my journal of thoughts... preparing for, during, and after the MAD DTS with YWAM. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, etc.


free bird

Today we had morning chapel/worship and morning lectures and at the end they told us our afternoon lecture was cancelled! Which means, I have the whole rest of the day to do NOTHING or ANYTHING I want! This is what I have done so far: ate lunch, met with my one on one leader, jumped online to do a few emails, put laundry in the washer, and now back here blogging. What I plan to do the rest of the day: finish this blog, hang my laundry to dry, find a quiet place to listen to Rob Bell's podcast and spend time with God (I hear there's a cool cemetary close to base that works well), read, take my clothes down from the line, read, and whatever else I want to do. I guess eat dinner sometime in between as well.. It would be nice to eat some food other than the base food.
Today for lunch I ate an odd combination, half way through I wished I could just put it all back and just make a PB&J, they always have bread out to eat and peanut butter, jelly, and Vegemite. They had tortillas, random veggies, ham, salami, and cheese, but I got there a bit late and the scraps of lettuce were only left and about the same for everything else. It ended up being a salami, scraps of lettuce, cheese, and sour cream wrap. It wasn't the worst thing, but it was nothing incredibly satisfying either. The food hasn't been all bad, and not that different either, except in anything they make with ground beef, they always add oats... since when do hamburgers call for oatmeal? Wierd. Not super tasty, but not the worst I've had either. I don't think we've eaten anything that's "australian" per se, but as I've said, lots of salad... every fricken day... salad. salad. salad. If there were croutons or sunflower seeds I'd think that might make it better as well. might.

Okay... so I'd like to address the "work duty" situation as know many of you were up in arms for me... for that I thank you for caring! This is the status.... so on Tuesday the "artists" got to meet and go to the art studio and get to know each other better. It was super cool time. As I shared about what I did before I started teh DTS, one of the staff on art asked if I'd want to help out with the "MAD" ministries logo. Some of the others also said they'd love to get to know photoshop better, etc. SO..... after lamenting the work duty... and realizing I won't be completely left out of using my graphic abilities as well as fine art, I was verry much satisfied. And in all honesty, this was supposed to be a time for a bit of a break from the computer side of art... maybe I hadn't expressed it as much to people, but that's where I was at... and now this is where I am! O, how profound. :D
There are some super cool staff that are behind the scenes who will be working with us during the art studio sessions. I am so excited for it to full out start, we just began stretching canvas yesterday so soon I'll be able to start painting... woo hoo!

I think that's where I'll stop for now... OH... and I was also going to say... I'm atleast 1.5hours from the beach... darn, but might be going to the beach this weekend!
My mom wanted to know that :).... if you have any other questions that you're dying ot know that I haven't explained or said anything about... please ask! :)
love to all!


Lisa's Mom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa's Mom said...

okay, I will try this again...
I always get mixed up on "username" and "password" when they ask for it before you publish your comment and it appeared with the "comment" and I'm like "NO" don't print that in there!!!I gotta get that off !!! ...so that's why I deleted my "comment"...such an adventure this new technology!
Anyway...as I was going to say....Lisa, I love your writing, my endorphins loved it...a perfect story to end my day and jump into bed...wave to the ocean for me, love, Mom

Laura said...

Hey Lisa, I now have your blog address, so i will keep up to date with what you are doing on MAD and beyond. Looking forward to doing arty stuff with you while on MAD.
See ya round the base
Laura :)

david said...

Thanks so much for keeping us all current. What an adventure already! Can't wait to see all that develops for you!

Linda said...

Hi Lisa,
We were sad to hear about your disappointment with your job assignment. But the good news is that if you get really good at the dinner thing, Guy says you can be the chairperson of the party planning committee at the office!!
Actually, I was reminded of Brother Lawrence's book "The Practice of the Presence of God", all written when he worked in the kitchen at a monastery. Do you know of it?
Not that I expect a personal email but my address is lmahmarian@comcast.net (since you didn't have it).
It's after midnight here so have a nice day!