Welcome Friends and Family

Here starts my journal of thoughts... preparing for, during, and after the MAD DTS with YWAM. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, etc.


Prayer request

I realized on Thursday that I hadn't made it clear at work when I was planning on being done. Or, that my definition of needing some extra time before I leave, and my boss' definition were different. At the time I first told him, it seemed like a very long time until then, so I wasn't specific.
All of that to say, depending on who comes in to take my place, it's possible that it may be tricky and not as smooth a transition for me or vvg. I emphasized "may" because you never know what God can do, maybe it will be smooth. It's the unknown that adds stress.. and right now, I don't need more to add to my plate.

So... prayer for peace... wisdom for my boss... enough transition time... for work and for me before I leave.
Thanks supporters.
Thanks God!



I am beginning the Visa application process. Once this has been taken care of, I will be able to breathe much better knowing that as far as Australia's concerned, they'll let me in. :) Pray that the process will go smoothly... just as smooth as the passport renewal went. (I expedited it, came within 3 weeks, I was astonished!)

That's all for now.


Peace Games... practice

There was a block party in North Minneapolis tonight called Peace Games... apparently it is one of three going on this summer. My church asked for volunteers to help at various activities that were provided.
I happened to get there late, only a few minutes, but everything was up and going already. I found Ellen and she directed me to the "Crafts and FacePainting" table. How convenient. :)
The tools were not what I would have preferred, but it only goes to show that it doesn't have to be perfect. I'm just too much of a perfectionist in my art. I guess it was a hit though, because I sat there for two hours straight painting butterflies and flowers and the occasional baseball or basketball. I didn't have an "example chart" and after a day of work I just couldn't think of anything more creative. Anything else wouldn't really work anyways, I didn't have the luxury of small brushes to do details... like I said though, it really didn't matter.

On the way home I thought of how just three hours previous I was seriously debating whether to go or not. It was mostly because I knew I'd be late and hadn't had dinner and was really tired, but I knew I wanted to enjoy the beautiful weather and I also had committed to it.
I forgot about all that stuff when I sat down and started painting butterflies on little tyke after little tyke.
About mid-way through there were a bunch of teenage girls that came over and wanted these different guys names on their arms. Like... D'Angelo and D-Man and D-Mob.... As I was doing this a number of things raced through my head. Was it just teenagers being goofy girls, or was it more? I have no idea... it was just the way they tounge-n-cheek'd between each other.
I'm a white suburbanite for sure, so I'm the last one to really think I know what's going on in their lives, prime example of this:
One of the girls had a baby bjorn strapped to her (or the equivalent to), and I automatically assumed the baby was hers! It was her nephew, he was just two months old and this girl couldn't have been more than 15years old herself. It really reminded me of Belize, the kids just come out of the woodwork, and everyone is related to someone else.

I'm so glad I made the decision to do this! I even met a woman who recognized me from a year and a half ago when I told a piece of my story at church on a communion sunday. She was volunteering at the same table doing crafts. Usually when someone at church says they recognize me I'll say I work with the youth and leave it at that, but I felt compelled to share about that time I shared.

Thanks Lord, for a time of going out of my normal tasks of the day and putting to use my talents right here in Minneapolis. I pray as you begin to speak to me about my steps after YWAM, that the things I am doing now would build for later.


First Post... yay!

This is my first post for my official YWAM Australia blog!

And, it is also the first time I am writng without being online. My internet services are temporarily out of service. (ie: my computer is just old enough where it didn’t come standard with a wireless card installed). I am trying to figure it out, but at the moment just don’t have the time or energy to figure it out. It’s almost nice to not have the internet. I’m the kind of person who gets sucked in very easily.

On to more important things...
This past week I went up to my sister’s for the 4th, we played in the water and had lots of fun. Much quality time was had with the nieces and nephew.. I would have liked a little more one to one time with the sis, but with the kids in tow makes it a little harder. It’s all good though, we’ve got a “girls weekend” coming up soon.

As I prepare my heart to leave, it has been a struggle knowing what to do with all this “stuff” I’m feeling. I know I need to keep communication open, but sometimes I don’t even know how exactly to express myself. The problem I had this weekend was that I didn’t really say anything, I just avoided it, but then it ended up coming out in anger about something completely unrelated. (well kinda... it was living arrangement stuff)

I took time on Sunday to talk and pray with a mentor, as we spoke I was affirmed of the things I was feeling, and challenged to not let my emotions take control over me. I have a tendency to “care-take” others’ feelings. I don’t need to take on the weight of how my family and friends may be feeling as I leave.
It’s a hard thing to process, I’m wrestling with it and giving it up to God, knowing that He can lighten my load and everyone else’s as well.

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matt. 11:29-30