Welcome Friends and Family

Here starts my journal of thoughts... preparing for, during, and after the MAD DTS with YWAM. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, etc.


I have my luggage!!

just so you know... i recieved my luggage yesterday...
it feels really good to be in my clean clothes, to be wearing something other than "Chacos" on my feet (sandals). i love my flip flops!

i found one thing that i miss... it's kinda funny, but it's Kraft Ranch Dressing... or any good Ranch dressing from the US. Here it has a sort of "sweet" taste to it and it seems we've been eating salad at EVERY meal.. which I like, accept the only dressing that is decent is Ceasar and even that has a little different taste.


Anonymous said...

Lisa!!! It's so good to hear from you and read all about your adventures thus far. Sounds pretty crazy and stressful (been there before- running through London airport crying...)- but I'm glad you and your luggage made it. I'll keep reading your updates- fun fun!!!

Linda said...

Hi Lisa!
So glad you feel at home there after your long traveling adventure. We were thinking of you on Sunday when David was running the marathon. He finished well but it was tougher than he ever would have imagined, kind of like your trip.
Guy and I are up at the cabin alone for the weekend. Yay! I'll keep checking in so keep us all posted.