Welcome Friends and Family

Here starts my journal of thoughts... preparing for, during, and after the MAD DTS with YWAM. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, etc.


Fear of the Lord/Worship - Intercession and Spiritual Warfare

Where to begin. These last two weeks of lectures have been again, intense. I have been learning so much and it's often times hard to put into words so I neglect coming to the computer and blogging.
To sum up Fear of the Lord is hard, so I'll just tell you a bit of what we did. Our speaker, Nathan, is an "elder" on the base and in quotes because he is not old (26). It was really cool because as he spoke he really listened for what God's agenda was, and not his own. The opposite of the fear of the Lord, is the fear of man, which many of us including myself struggle with, especially in the context of my creativity. We talked about that and the need for repentance in those areas, to submit those things to the Lord so we can be free and fear only the Lord.
On Wednesday of last week we took the whole of lecture times and used it all for a time of true repentance, prayer, and worship to the Lord. It was a beautiful time... God was pursuing our hearts and minds. He always is, but it was our act of yielding to Him that made it so real.

I am going to end this short and hope to follow up with it later. But I am really excited about what God has been doing in me lately. Showing me holy and grace-filled obedience, a thirst for spending time in His presence like I've never had before. This week has been teaching on Spiritual Warfare... it is so good. Not like the hyped up looking for demons around every corner kind of teaching, it's real and practical. I am excited to share more of this later.

Christmas is soon around the corner and I have many mixed feelings. Plans are finally starting to come together and we've had a couple Christmas parties... and one is tonight that I have to go and help decorate the room for. I hope to post more pictures and reports of what I'll be doing on Christmas, but there are no guarantees (it's just so hard to get alone time still, with access to the internet at the same time).

Love to you all!!

1 comment:

david said...

I haven't been blogging in a while, but had to check in on you to see how things were going. Great to see you are learning so much and continually challenged.

I hope you had a wonderful Aussie Christmas! Can't wait to hear all about it!