Welcome Friends and Family

Here starts my journal of thoughts... preparing for, during, and after the MAD DTS with YWAM. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, etc.


This is in the airplane (duh) - a photo of New Zealand.. it was rather cloudy the whole time.

This airplane was sitting at the terminal when we pulled in, I mostly took the picture for sarah and josh!! :) cute, eh?

After 24hrs. or more of traveling, I was pretty much exhausted and just wanted to get out of the airport!! This is in Brisbane waiting for my ride.

I took this picture on my balcony, the building below is another housing facility. Apparently they have to watch out more for the poisonous spiders... THANK you JESUS for not putting me in that one!

This is one of the many cool trees around the base.

For future reference I'll occasionally send out notices about more photos posted on facebook. You can view those even without an account.

1 comment:

Staci said...

It was through this thing called Blogger play. I had never seen it until last night, it is a slide show on blogger.com that shows updated pictures from people's sites, you can pause the picture and see where its coming from, your picture came up where you are on the balcony, and I thought to myself- it looked like a "missions" type project so I clicked your picture and found that you are with YWAM- a friend of mine went to YWAM after highschool, so I am fimailar with what the Lord can do through it! Very cool. My husband and I went to Masters Commission in Birmingham AL, that is where we met. We live in Texas now though- Anyway- I love seeing pictures of the great down under! I had a penpal in Sydney when I was 7 years old, so ever since then I've wanted to go there!