Welcome Friends and Family

Here starts my journal of thoughts... preparing for, during, and after the MAD DTS with YWAM. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, etc.


3 days... woah

so i'm three days out... when you read this, it will actually be more like 2 and a half days or so. that is, if you read on october 5th ... technically it already is october 5th.

crazy. that's what i've heard from my mouth a lot lately.

my going away party was very cool. if you weren't invited and felt like you should have been, deal with it. HA... or atleast don't take it personall, life has been just slightly busy lately.
as i reflect on the prayer/commissioning time, i realize how powerful our God is and how He speaks to others without me having to say specific things. there is so much to think about, it was hard to know the exact things i need prayer for, but the things i needed were covered. i've also had a few other times of prayer with friends who weren't able to make it, and listening to the words are so amazing. everyone has their own way of articulating, and i know it doesn't matter so much how you say it, but when i hear it, it really makes sense. it has been a great comfort hearing the words and just being with others who you know are on the same wave-length as you, enough to know that sometimes words aren't even needed.

thank you all.

thank you for the words you speak to me and my prayerful supporters! you are amazing!

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