Welcome Friends and Family

Here starts my journal of thoughts... preparing for, during, and after the MAD DTS with YWAM. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, etc.


last post cont'd

I didn't really finish explaining why I painted a lighthouse... but the vision he had was of a lighthouse... that his church was a lighthouse and that people were drawn to it, so in the picture I painted circles to represent people.. and the circles were different colors.. black, browns and yellows to represent all different denominations.
That was the first time I had something planned to paint... it was good and bad. Good because I had direction and knew what and how to paint it, but bad because it's not really my style of painting... some of it was, but the other part just wasn't working for me (the detail parts). I can do detail sometimes, but I didn't have a picture or anything to go by, so that's what made it harder. Owell, it was a good experience overall.

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