Welcome Friends and Family

Here starts my journal of thoughts... preparing for, during, and after the MAD DTS with YWAM. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, etc.


Int'l House of Prayer

In just a few minutes I'll be leaving for IHOP Night Watch. We will be in prayer for the youth of Prague and during the whole night all different bands will be performing and doing worship. During this time I'll be painting... it's actually ALL night, so it will be a long night but I am looking forward to it.

I will report more on this later, as for now I just wanted to leave you with a story.

Lately I've been feeling really low, for lack of a better description. I don't really know how to put it, but here in Prague we just haven't had as many events that we've been able to connect with locals. I have a hard time just walking up to someone and starting a conversation, let alone having a language barrier. All this to say.... I was talking to a friend from home yesterday night about all of this and during it, my teamate/friend Tammy asked if I wanted to go on a walk. I automatically said yes, without hesitation. It was about 10:00pm, and it was exactly what I needed. Sometimes in life you just need someone to listen to you, someone right there in person. We didn't have any grand answers for each other's situations, but to just talk about it without any expectations from the other was so refreshing. I really want to take in those moments, and remember that just because I wasn't ministering to someone from Czech, doesn't mean I'm not doing something.

God was with us last night, and I will treasure it for some time.

I can't say that I'm feeling 100% better... but I know God is doing something in me... and I'm not giving up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love you so much! hugs, Mom