Welcome Friends and Family

Here starts my journal of thoughts... preparing for, during, and after the MAD DTS with YWAM. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, etc.


Czech Republic captured on camera...

This is the YWAM Plzen Villa

Before having a jacket... waiting at a Tram stop

The YWAMers had bunnies... salt and pepper :)

This is the spot where I painted my first painting in Plzen... during a concert teaming with the KS church

In Progress...
(honestly, i think I like this shot better than the final product :))
Sorry, I will upload the final later, I didn't get it in this bunch of photos

This is a photo outside a church on a hill... it's near the Teen Challenge center we went to a couple weeks ago. (I'm so behind in my updates... sorry)

This is me... duh... my new hat that i really like :).

Streets in Plzen.

We're now in Prague and had a long week... we had some "family" conflict arise, but worked it through and I believe are stronger now because of it... I hate learning the hard way, but it's learning none-the-less... and that's good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I loved the pictures...it brought back Slovakia memories! I appreciate the bunnies too!!!
Love, Mom