Welcome Friends and Family

Here starts my journal of thoughts... preparing for, during, and after the MAD DTS with YWAM. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, etc.


Gracias for Prayer...

Updates and "praises" for prayer...

1. My visa application was accepted and approved!! I actually found out the NEXT DAY! I was completely astonished. Many thanks went up that day!

2. Plane Tickets have been purchased. yikes... this thing is SO real. excitement is rising.
I have a stop in Fiji, for real!?!! Sweet, only like 2/4 hours, but hey, I can say I've been to Fiji!! Also New Zealand.. rockin!

3. Last week's prayer request about work... sounds like it will work out! Wild, that means only a month and a week left... that's a weird feeling.

4. Financial support is coming along... sometimes it feels like it crawls, but then it'll jump. Just letting go of the "need to know" has helped... although it's not easy.

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