Welcome Friends and Family

Here starts my journal of thoughts... preparing for, during, and after the MAD DTS with YWAM. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, etc.


First Post... yay!

This is my first post for my official YWAM Australia blog!

And, it is also the first time I am writng without being online. My internet services are temporarily out of service. (ie: my computer is just old enough where it didn’t come standard with a wireless card installed). I am trying to figure it out, but at the moment just don’t have the time or energy to figure it out. It’s almost nice to not have the internet. I’m the kind of person who gets sucked in very easily.

On to more important things...
This past week I went up to my sister’s for the 4th, we played in the water and had lots of fun. Much quality time was had with the nieces and nephew.. I would have liked a little more one to one time with the sis, but with the kids in tow makes it a little harder. It’s all good though, we’ve got a “girls weekend” coming up soon.

As I prepare my heart to leave, it has been a struggle knowing what to do with all this “stuff” I’m feeling. I know I need to keep communication open, but sometimes I don’t even know how exactly to express myself. The problem I had this weekend was that I didn’t really say anything, I just avoided it, but then it ended up coming out in anger about something completely unrelated. (well kinda... it was living arrangement stuff)

I took time on Sunday to talk and pray with a mentor, as we spoke I was affirmed of the things I was feeling, and challenged to not let my emotions take control over me. I have a tendency to “care-take” others’ feelings. I don’t need to take on the weight of how my family and friends may be feeling as I leave.
It’s a hard thing to process, I’m wrestling with it and giving it up to God, knowing that He can lighten my load and everyone else’s as well.

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matt. 11:29-30

1 comment:

david said...
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